Anti-hitlerite national socialists and Jewish question

The cases of Die Schwarze Front and Frei-Deutschland Bewegung in Argentina


  • Germán Friedmann CONICET / Universidad de Buenos Aires


National Socialism, Antisemitism, Anti-Nazism


Following Hitler's rise to power in Germany, National Socialism started a process of Gleichschaltung (uniformity) throughout diverse institutions belonging to the German community in Argentina. Though successful, it did not encompass them entirely. Associations that gathered Germanspeaking members of diverse origins sharing a common opposition to the Third Reich sprung to life during the 1930's and 1940's. Among the motley group of anti-Hitlerite militants, were two groups directed from his exile by Otto Strasser, who during the 1920's had been one of the main figures of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National socialist German worker's party). Local Strasser followers presented their points of view regarding the escalation of anti-Semitism in Europe, made their thoughts on the relationship between Jews and Germany known, and kept in touch with the German-speaking Jewish émigrés.


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