About the Journal

Anuario IEHS is an academic journal published by the Institute of Historical and Social Studies «Prof. Juan Carlos Grosso» (Faculty of Humanities, National University of Central Buenos Aires Province, Argentina). The publication intends to spread the advances of history and social sciences, focused on the problematics of Argentine and American history.

Since 2012, the Institute of Historical and Social Studies (IEHS) is part of the Institute of Geography, History and Social Sciences (IGEHCS), joint executing unit of UNCPBA and CONICET.


Editorial policies

Topic and scope

Anuario IEHS is dedicated to disseminating the advances of history and social sciences, focusing on the problematics of Argentine and American history, and attending to its political, economic, cultural, social, demographic, intellectual, etc. aspects.

Call and guidelines

The call for articles, reviews and notes is permanently open to authors of every academic institution. Guidelines for authors can be found on this website.


Original and unpublished manuscripts in Spanish, Portuguese, French or English are accepted, that are not simultaneously sent or submitted to the consideration of another publication, in whole or in any of its parts.

Policy on submission and processing fees

This journal does not require payment of any kind for the submission or processing of materials received.

Evaluation process

Texts corresponding to the sections articles and dossier are reviewed, in respect of their pertinence and relevance, by the editorial committee in the first instance. If their evaluation is positive, each text will be sent to two external evaluators at least, under double-blind mechanism. Contents suitable to the sections reviews and critical notes are reviewed exclusively by the editors.
The criticisms and comments made about the manuscripts will be confidential during the evaluation process; the reviewers and editors can not make personal or professional use of them or the data contained therein.

Publication frequency

Since 2016, the journal is published every six months –in June and December–, dividing the annual volume into two issues.

Open access

Anuario IEHS provides free immediate access to its content, which can be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed and linked without the editors or authors' permission. This journal is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.


In order to ensure the article publication integrity, Anuario IEHS promotes the ethical behavior of all the participants of the editorial process, without discriminating against authors by any circumstance (academic hierarchy, institutional affiliation, geographical location, ethnic, national, sexual or gender). Therefore, a constant vigilance is maintained on the transparency, balance and fairness of the editorial process. These principles and policies are compatible with international standards.

Conflict of interest

It is understood that there is a conflict of interest when there is a divergence between the individual’s personal interests and his/her responsibilities regarding the scientific activities that he/she carries out –either as author, reviewer or editorial committee member– in such a way that can influence his/her critical judgment and the integrity of his/her actions. Authors should mention, when submitting their manuscript, if there are certain evaluators who should not intervene in the revision process. Although the manuscripts are sent to the reviewer without authorship data, if the evaluators detect the possible identity of the authors, they must excuse themselves from intervening.
On the other hand, conflicts of interest due to personal or work relationships imply that the participants in the editorial process have some kind of friendship, enmity or labor relationship. Regarding this point, the authors should indicate the funding source of their research, while the editorial officers will take special care to select reviewers who do not belong to the same institution or research team as authors. Moreover, editors will not be involved in the process of reviewing and editing manuscripts whose authors work in the same center, are family members, or have had personal differences. In these cases, its management will be delegated to another editor.


Scientific fraud is considered to be biased manipulation, misleading information, selective communication, invention, falsification and concealment or misrepresentation of data. If a practice of this type is detected, the manuscript will be immediately withdrawn from the editorial process and the journal reserves the right to notify the authorities of the institution in which the author works. On the other hand, upon suspicion of some type of fraud, the evaluator will communicate it confidentially to the editors.

Policy on plagiarism

The articles submitted to the journal will be reviewed by plagiarism detection software. If plagiarism exists, the author will be informed of the evidence and a deposition will be requested. If the answer is not satisfactory, the manuscript will be rejected and Anuario IEHS will not receive more articles from the author. In turn, if applicable, the media in which the original plagiarized article was published will be informed.
The published abstracts of communications, papers or conferences presented at scientific meetings are not considered redundant publications, but the authors must state this circumstance in a footnote at the beginning of the article, or in the acknowledgments, if any.
The situation in which the previous work is the basis for a new contribution is not considered self-plagiarism and key parts must be repeated to explain and defend the new arguments.

Funding sources

The funding sources of the investigation, if any, must be declared always, whether private, governmental or commercial.

Responsibility for opinions

The opinions expressed in the published works are the exclusive responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the criteria of the journal’s editorial committee or the Institute of Historical-Social Studies.

Statements and rights

By submitting a text to the publication process, its author/s certifies/y (1) that the submitted manuscript is original and unpublished; (2) that he/she/they is/are the holder/s of the corresponding rights; (3) that, in the case of acceptance, he/she/they transfer/s these rights to Anuario IEHS, which reserves the right to print and digital publication; (4) that, if there were co-authors, they agreed to submit the manuscript; (5) that he/she/they has/have the necessary permissions for the reproduction of text, figures or images whose rights he/she/they does/do not possess; (6) that he/she/they adhere/s to the Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial CC BY-NC license.
The authors may establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the work published in the journal (for example, place it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with the recognition of having been published first in this magazine. On the other hand, they can add the articles already published by Anuario IEHS in their personal pages, blogs or institutional repositories (preferably the file downloaded from our website).


The platform has data and files backup procedures, through servers of the Universidad Nacional del Centro. On the other hand, the Anuario's contents are also available on the web pages of the Institute of Historical-Social Studies (IEHS).


Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas (CONICET-CAICYT), Latindex, Dialnet, Historical Abstracts, America: History and Life, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH Plus), Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB).