
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submitted manuscript is original and unpublished.
  • The author/s is/are the holder/s of its rights.
  • If there were coauthors, they agreed to submit the manuscript.
  • If the manuscript is accepted, the author/s assign/s those rights to Anuario IEHS, which reserves the print and digital publication rights.
  • The author/s adhere/s to the Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial license (CC BY-NC).
  • The author/s has/have the necessary permissions to reproduce text or figures whose rights they do not hold.
  • The opinions expressed in the works are the exclusive responsibility of their authors.
  • The reissue of the article published in other media is not allowed, unless the journal's express authorization is available.
  • The manuscript is presented entirely according to the author guidelines.

Author Guidelines

General rules

Anuario IEHS accepts manuscripts written in Spanish, Portuguese, French or English; they must be original and not published or proposed for that purpose in another journal. Its call is open permanently.


By submitting a work to the publication process, its author/s certifies/y (1) that the submitted manuscript is original and unpublished; (2) that he/she/they is/are the holder/s of the corresponding rights; (3) that, in the case of acceptance, he/she/they transfer/s these rights to Anuario IEHS, which reserves the right to print and digital publication; (4) that, if there were co-authors, they agreed to submit the manuscript; (5) that he/she/they has/have the necessary permissions for the reproduction of text, figures or images whose rights he/she/they does/do not possess; (6) that he/she/they adhere/s to the Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial CC BY-NC license.

Selection and evaluation

The articles are reviewed, in respect of their pertinence and relevance, by the editorial staff in the first instance, and later by external evaluators, under the double-blind mechanism. The reviews are reviewed exclusively by the editors. Authors should consider the reviewers and editors observations before the articles are accepted for publication, which may involve making corrections, either formal or content. Once these have been approved by the journal and the editing process has begun, no further author's modifications will be accepted.

Editing and copy editing

The Anuario IEHS has a specialized editorial team that will carry out the copy editing and make it available to the authors. Their suggestions will be attended to or rejected, only once in the editorial process, according to their relevance. After this exchange, no further modifications will be accepted. This means that the authors endorse and give their consent to the editorial work.


Manuscripts will be sent as an attachment to the following address: The supported formats are doc, docx or odt. Eventually, it may be required three printed copies, intended for the evaluators. No payment of any kind is required for the submission or processing.


Articles must not exceed 60,000 characters, excluding spaces. Critical notes, 16.000. And reviews, 8,000.

Each original will adhere to the following structure:
  • Work title (in capital letters) and its translation into English
  • Author/s full name/s, indicating their work place (avoiding abbreviations) and their postal and electronic addresses
  • Abstract and keywords in the work language and in English
  • Work's text
  • Pictures and figures (if any)
  • Footnotes
  • References
Article's title and, if any, subtitle should be written in capital letters. It is recommended that the articles be divided into sections that do not exceed two hierarchical levels, which will be titled with small capitals and with italics respectively.

Only one font type and of a single size will be used, except in the notes, in the epigraphs of the tables and figures, and in the quotations that exceed the three lines, cases in which the font will be smaller by two points.

Capital letters will be used only for the article's title and for acronyms. Italics will be used, on the one hand, for words or expressions in a language different from that of the article and, on the other hand, to highlight any expression that it wishes to stand out.

In all cases, a simple line spacing will be used.
The use of indentations and tabulations in the text should be avoided, as well as spaces between paragraphs (except between these and titles, tables, figures or extensive citations).

The abstract will be an extract of the article content, emphasizing the original contributions. Efforts will be made to avoid starting with the formula "This article deals with ..." and the like. The articles will be preceded by a abstract in the language in which they are published and another in English. Each of them must have a maximum length of 150 words and a minimum of 100.
Key-words should also be accompanied (from three to five), separated by commas, and their English version.
Tables will include information that expands or complements what is said in the text: charts, statistical tables and synthetic summaries, among others. They will be listed consecutively with Arabic numerals and inserted into the text body, in the place that corresponds to them. It will always have to refer to them explicitly in the text itself.
Each table should be headed with the word "Table", followed by the corresponding number and its title, both in lowercase. On the next line, the source of the information will be indicated; if appropriate, "own elaboration" will be consigned.
When sending the text in digital format, the tables can be incorporated into the general body of the article or, in the case of tables of certain complexity, in a separate file.
The denomination figures includes graphics, maps, photographs, drawings and the like. Its inclusion in the article will respond to true content demands and in no case to purely aesthetic reasons. They will be listed consecutively and placed in the text body, in the place that corresponds to them. They should be referred to explicitly in the text.
Each figure will carry the "Figure" indication at the bottom, followed by the corresponding number and the lowercase title. Then, some brief explanation and the source can be added.
The figures will be sent in separate files (one for each figure) in jpg or png format (or xlsx, in the case of graphics), with a 300 dpi minimum resolution.
When the quotations have less than 40 words, they will be integrated into the paragraph body, in quotation marks. When they exceed this amount, they will be located in a separate paragraph, indented, without quotation marks and with a font size smaller by two points.
The citations references will be located after them, in parentheses, indicating author, year and number/s of page/s; example: (Brown 2004, pp. 10-12). The citations references to different works will also be placed in the body of the text; example: "As stated by Finley (2006, p.9), the structure of ...".

Footnotes must be the essential ones and will be placed at the bottom of the page with automatic numbering.
References should appear at the article end, arranged alphabetically and, for each author, in chronological order. It should be limited to the works mentioned in the text. For its preparation, the ISO 690 (2010) standard will be followed with the specifications set out in point A.2. Here are some bibliographical references examples:
Spinelli, M. E., 2013. De antiperonistas a peronistas revolucionarios. Las clases medias en el centro de la crisis política, 1955 1973. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana.

Book chapter:
Pasolini, R., 2013. José Luis Romero y la biografía como forma de la historia. En: J. E. Burucúa, F. J. Devoto & A. Gorelik, José Luis Romero. Vida histórica, ciudad y cultura. San Martín: UNSaM Edita. pp. 41-87.

Halperin Donghi, T., 1997. El discurso político de una república agraria. Anuario IEHS, nº 16, pp. 123-130.

Online article:
Otero, H., 2011. Las escuelas étnicas de la comunidad francesa. El caso argentino, 1880-1950. Anuario de estudios americanos [en línea], vol. 68 nº 1, pp. 163-189 [consultado el 27 de marzo de 2015]. Disponible en:

Newspaper article:
Brenta, N., 2015. ¿Esta vez es distinto? Le monde diplomatique, Buenos Aires, 15 de marzo, pp. 8-9.

Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties.