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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submitted manuscript is original and unpublished.
- The author/s is/are the holder/s of its rights.
- If there were coauthors, they agreed to submit the manuscript.
- If the manuscript is accepted, the author/s assign/s those rights to Anuario IEHS, which reserves the print and digital publication rights.
- The author/s adhere/s to the Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial license (CC BY-NC).
- The author/s has/have the necessary permissions to reproduce text or figures whose rights they do not hold.
- The opinions expressed in the works are the exclusive responsibility of their authors.
- The reissue of the article published in other media is not allowed, unless the journal's express authorization is available.
- The manuscript is presented entirely according to the author guidelines.
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