The scorpion and its nature: the structural ballast in the logic of the Brazilian bourgeoisie.
Brazil, Economy, Bourgeoisie, Development, CrisisAbstract
During the first two decades of this century, Brazil experienced a key juncture regarding its development, which seemed to indicate an inflection, with policies that sought to change its structures –although gradually, with few ruptures–, which would be prominent over time. This reached a limit, accumulating tensions and wear and tear, which would be used by refractory bourgeois fractions to bring the new model to rapid collapse, returning to the dependent and highly concentrated development of the past. The abortion of the incipient green and yellow flight occurred by the impossibility of the bourgeoisie in contradicting its own nature. In a similar way to fifty years ago, that gave up reaching higher states in its metamorphosis cycle, preferring to return, as a rational choice, to his initial condition. This article aims to unravel that logic, based on a panoramic study of the paths that some of its institutions and key agents had in that period.
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