Anti-fascism in Latin America through violet lenses
Anti-fascism, Historiography, Gender, Latin AmericaAbstract
The anti-fascism topic does not seem, in principle, something that can be linked to the historical experiences of Latin American countries, since, as has been pointed out from various authors’ contribution, fascism has not had a strong insertion in those lands. However, if we review this phenomenon through purple lenses, we will find fewer studies, although relevant, for what is intended to be analyzed and significant when thinking about the political participation of women. This article aims to trace and recover the historiography linked to anti-fascism in recent years, especially in Latin America and particularly seen from the gender perspective, putting it in dialogue with the national dimensions and with the problems with which it overlaps, focusing on the reactions, contributions and links with the Spanish Civil War, as a battlefield and meeting of the worldview of anti-fascism.
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