Anticomunism, intellectuals and universities in the Americas: The Latin American Anti-comunist Confederation at the service of capitalist hegemony in the post-war
Intellectuals, Universities, AnticommunismAbstract
In order to understand the degree of sophistication and organization reached by the actions of anti-communist groups in the Latin American subcontinent, and worldwide, it is necessary to pay attention to the formation of intellectuals who organized themselves in the various stages that functioned as blockhouses to defend an intransigent position with respect to a wide myriad of oppositions to the capitalist status quo. In this way, we highlight the protagonism of US imperialist actions in terms of material and ideological control of the conjunctures that make up the broad and diverse framework of countries that suffered varied and continuous interventions in the American context. From the point of view of the historicity of that process, we highlight the countless transformations that the world of war production went through which was the main contributor for the part of the academic and university intelligentsia to joined to extra-university guidelines and anti-communist in some of the main American countries. As a result, I present the performance of the Latin American Anticommunist Confederation and its anticommunist action of reception and dissemination of strategies to combat communism in universities.
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