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‘Fiery solidarity’ in the Cold War: The student movement and the communist youth of Costa Rica in support of the Unidad Popular government in Chile


  • Randall Chaves Zamora Universidad de Costa Rica



Cold War, Solidarity, Communism, Chile, Costa Rica


This article studies the solidarity expressions by the student movement and the communist youth of Costa Rica towards the Popular Unity government in Chile between 1970 and 1990. The text focuses on the youth actions carried out and discusses the impact that this solidarity process had on the political identities of such movement and youth in Costa Rica. It also considers the solidarity expressions which were made by the political leaders of the Costa Rican left and examines the way in which these leaders positioned themselves in the face of one of the most relevant events of the Latin American Cold War, analyzing concurrent ideas reflected in studies from the second half of the twentieth century in Latin America, such as anti-imperialism and international solidarity. Thus, by means of journalistic documents and historiographic contributions, this article seeks to contribute to a subject which has rarely been addressed in the historiography of the Cold War, highlighting the impact of south-south solidarity on the formation of youth identities.


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