Futurism at the front: the Italian avant-garde and the Great War


  • Selena Daly University College Dublin


Futurism, Italian Avant-garde, First World War


After five years of vociferously praising the virtues of war, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and most of his Futurist followers enthusiastically greeted the outbreak of the war. Although the Futurists are often cast as influential actors in the campaign for Italian intervention, I argue that their actions during Italian neutrality were lacking any real political significance. This article also examines avant-garde participation in the Italian war effort, both on the battlefields and on the home front. During the war years, Marinetti attempted to reach a wider audience for Futurism, by prioritizing patriotic accessible art and theatre over stylistic experimentation, and by targeting a military audience in the periodicals L’Italia Futurista and Roma Futurista. He also sought to capitalize on the new respect he received from the press and the public as a result of the Futurists’ status as active soldiers and veterans.


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