Nazismo y holocausto en las percepciones del catolicismo argentino (1933-1945)


  • Daniel Lvovich Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
  • Federico Finchelstein New School for Social Research


Argentina, Holocaust, Catholic Church


This paper analyzes the multifaceted Argentine Catholic reception of the extermination of the Jews of Europe. The paper deals with the ways in which Argentina's Catholicism first received the rumors, and then the confirmed news of the Holocaust. This Catholic reception constitutes a limit case for the historical understanding of the role of antisemitism in Argentine Catholic circles. We argue that the examination of the distinctive reactions of the Argentine Catholic world can also contribute to a more complex understanding of Argentine Catholicism vis-à-vis Nazism and the Second World War as well as to the degree of “Romanization” within the Argentine Catholic Church and the disputes these positions engendered in liberal and conservative Catholics sectors.


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