Nacionalismo y arquetipo heroico en la Juventud Peronista a comienzos de la década del ‘60


  • Laura Ehrlich Universidad Nacional de Quilmes


Peronism, Peronist Youth, Nacionalism, Political Culture, Beliefs


It’s a common belief that Peronist Resistance lacked of ideology. This vision has been related to the combative peronists preference for a moral than political language. Another version of this concept identifies this revolutionary language with “left” positions. If we pay attention to the changes in peronist political culture, we can verify the presence of right nationalist beliefs in the rebel and combative attitude of the resistant Peronism during the first stage of its proscription. The analysis of the heroic archetype and the myths with which the members of metropolitan Peronist Youth imagined their engagement to political life show that the combative character of Peronism during those years found in Nationalist symbols and topics a source of influence. Slogans and topics such as Anti-liberalism, Anti-imperialism and third position Anti-capitalism, that would acquire a socialist or Marxist sense later, were already present after 1955 in Peronism with a different political meaning.






