El psicoanálisis en la cultura comunista. Buenos Aires y París, 1949


  • Hugo Vezzetti Universidad de Buenos Aires


Psychoanalysis, Communist Culture, Buenos Aires, Paris


In 1949, Nouvelle Critique, the intellectual magazine of the French Communists published a harsh critique of psychoanalysis, reproduced in Buenos Aires the same year by Gregorio Bermann in Nueva Gaceta, a journal belonging to the constellation of the Argentine Communist Party and directed by Héctor Agosti. In the scene of the Cold War, psychoanalysis was located among the ideological expressions of Capitalism and in the service of American world-wide offensive. In France that crusade lasted a few years. Bytheearly sixties, Louis Althusser renewed the Marxist thought and the reading of Freud, and in 1964, in the same magazine, La Nouvelle Critique, published “Freud et Lacan”. In Buenos Aires, however, the war against Freudianism by the Communists lasted atleast until the endofthe sixties. The article discusses the inaugural moment of that history and studies the relations and misunderstandings of the reception of this controversy in the local conditions of the communist culture.






