La escritura biográfica y la escritura histórica en los siglos XIX y XX


  • Sabina Loriga École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales


Biography, History, Historiography, Hermeneutics, Social Sciences


The article proposes a chronological review that allows know the moments of agreement and disagreement between the forms of biographical writing and the forms of historical writing. The article also reviews the trails of the existing tensions between Biography and History in old texts (from the classic Greeks to Humboldt). The article focuses, then, in different moments of war and peace that happened in the hot frontier between Biography and History. So, the article analyses the tensions between the individual and society, genius and mass, hero and average man (to mention the most prominent) in its historic and historiographical contexts. In this sense, the article focuses with special attention in the historiographical tendencies prominent in Europe since XIX Century, and its dialogues with the social sciences and the humanities. Attending to the historiographical renewals of the last decades, the article presents the forms through which the Biography has been recovered, revalued and criticized.






