Arqueología histórica en la llanura pampeana: paisaje de pasos y taperas en el siglo XIX


  • Pablo Ormazabal Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires


Historical Archaeology, Landscape, Frontier, Correlation of Raw Materials


This plan of archaeological investigation is bounded to the plain atmosphere, in the humid pampas of the center of the county of Buenos Aires and especially in the "archaeological location El Peredido" (LAEP). We analyze the distribution of "steps and taperas" as possible road of traffic, "raked" or points of permeability of the landscape originated in a supposed communication with the salines that limit with the dry pampas. The temporary localization embraces from the late inhabitants of the original societies an theirs interaction with the social posconquista groups, until the moments of consolidation of the establishments of the frontier and of the National State, in the second half of the XIX Century. We thinks about the perceptive reach of the atmosphere, the territorial occupation of "steps and taperas" as alandscape proposed as busy or "desert"/empty (in the time denominated "the conquers of the desert" for the original and the "eurocriolla"society).We evaluate, in an introductory way, the degree of correlation and vicinity of the dispersion of the lithic and european archaeological material.






