El Cristianismo de la Liberación y la Izquierda en Brasil
Liberation Theology, Liberationisty Christianity, Brazil, Left, Latin America, The 60’sAbstract
One speaks usually of «Liberation Theology», but this is only the visible tip of an iceberg, one of the aspects of a large social-religious movement, which appeared ten years before the first writings of the theologians, a movement that I propose to call Liberationist Christianity. One can situate its origin at the beginning of 1960, when appears in Brazil a “catholic left” of a nex kind, which is in fact the first expression of this current, of this large social movement, which will extend, starting from Brazil, to all Latin America during the 60’s. It is a complex body of social-religious reflections and practices, which challenge social injustice, and takes the form of a commitment by Christians to the struggle of the poor for their liberation.
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