El trabajo cotidiano en la "industria de industrias": Aproximación antropológica a la construcción de hegemonía en el proceso de trabajo en la siderúrgica estatal argentina, 1960-1969


  • María Julia Soul Universidad Nacional de Rosario


Labour Collective, Hegemony Relationships, Work Process, Historical Experience


This article makes up our research project about class relationship struturation process into argentinian national steel company SOMISA. We propase an anthropological approach to hegemony production into the work process, sin ce we argue the naturality of worker' s subordination to wage – earning relationships. We focus our attention on the historical process of labour 'collective constitution', since furnance N° 1' operations began until the first administrative adjustment in 1969. In a general level, we wonder about mechanisms that makes possible continuity of dominations relationships into capitalists work process. From anthropological point, approach to social process means to focus attention on individual's historical experience and to significant nets through what individuals organize and express it in a particular case. So, we'll identify differents aspects of these particular workers' group experience, by identifying sorne central constitutive elements ofit in worker's stories.






