Commons, institutional inequality and conflict in Montes de Toledo during the Early Modern Age


  • Javier Hernando Ortego Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Commons, Conflicts on commons, Institutions, Forest History


The commons evolution in Montes de Toledo during the Early Modern Age was determined by a hierarchical institutional framework. The Toledo City Council directed the use and control rights of most communal resources, while the village councils managed to achieve the pastures’ granting as a unique local common.

The inhabitants of Montes de Toledo, driven by population growth and the commercialisation process , came up against the restriction of uses by the city council. The result was a growing tension between institutions in which negotiated solutions were initially sought. In the 18th century, the development of charcoal supplies for Madrid unleashed a new conflict, in which Toledo managed to secure control of the income generated by common resources, excluding the village inhabitants who, now led by a wealthy peasant farmers’ minority, finally considered the commons privatisation.


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