U.S. banking in the Andes during the 1920s


  • Oscar Granados  Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano




Banking, Foreign Trade, International Credit, Andean Countries, Networks


After the First World War, the financial world changed considerably. The capital-exporting countries from previous years became debtors, and U.S.A. banks emerged in the international capital markets. Although several of those banks had already approached the Andean region during the 1920s, others made a presence. However, the success was temporary because their operations did not exceed that decade, and local and some European banks were the ones that developed most of the operations during the following decade. This document explores the banking business evolution from the financial institutions’ atomization and the monetary liquidity expansion in the U.S.A. market, and it aims to understand the U.S.A. banks operations in Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela in the 1920s and Andean banking business reorganization during the economic and financial expansion of the United States of America.


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