The Idisher Folks Teater (IFT) and the experience of a Jewish theatre in Spanish (1957-1966)
Jewish theater, Yiddish, IFT Theater, Independent theaterAbstract
The Idisher Folks Teater –Jewish People’s Theater– was created in 1932 as the first independent Jewish theater of Buenos Aires. It shared many of its characteristics with the rest of the independent theater companies but had the particularity of specifically targeting Jewish audiences, since until the end of the 1950s the plays were performed only in Yiddish, the language spoken by Eastern European Jews until World War II. In 1957, the IFT decided to start performing its plays in Spanish instead of Yiddish, thus allowing broader audiences to attend its performances. This essay aims to investigate the process that led the IFT to make this decision, exploring the different factors that throughout the 50s led to a language change.
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