Circuitos mercantiles de San Juan, Mendoza y San Luis. Relaciones con el ‘interior argentino’, Chile y el Pacífico Sur, 1800-1810


  • Silvia Palomeque Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Internal Colonial Market, Mining Production, Peruvian Sugar, Cattle Circuits


The quantitative analysis of ali the external mercantile circuits of Mendoza, San Juan and San Luis provinces allows the author to critizice the 'difficulties' in the externa! sector of these regional economies and its orientation to the Atlantic. As a result, a more complex explanation of the development of these economies during the last colonial decade is provided. lt is concluded that these provinces had prosperous and diversified economies, which played an important role in articulating a wide space on both sides ofthe Andes including the economies ofthe Atlantic, the Pacific, its ports, and the 'interior provinces'. In this context sorne rarely-considered situations take relevance, Jike the persistence of the ancient colonial interna! market in the Pacific coasts in spite of the unfavourable Bourbon policy, fhe transit through severa! border paths in the Andean mountains withouth fiscal control, the incipient but increasing mining production of San Juan province and Jáchal valley, and the importance of its wide economic space which was characterized by an important peasant participation in trade.






