Estrategias de captación y fidelización de clientes en un medio competitivo. Crédito, moneda y comercio rural en el sur entrerriano a fines de la colonia


  • Julio C. Djenderedjian Universidad de Buenos Aires


Commerce, Credit, Pulperias, Littoral


Recent research have shown new points of view on Latin American rural commerce features. Merchants and shopkeepers are statiing to be viewed as a complex and multiple traffic and credit cores, and the dense relationship nets that linked them, even at far distances, have been pointed out. But, it still remains a wide range of unanswered questions and unknown aspects of their activity; and sorne ofthem will be approached here. From multiple sources, we will try to inquire on the commercial shape of the Entre Rios countryside, where long distances and customers' dispersion mean! serious costs and risks. In the same way, the abundan ce of sale points built up high competition contexts; and that situation mean! that the shopkeepers were obliged to set out various strategies to win and hold up customers, whose study can reveal significan! shades of rural society at the end of the colonial rule.






