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  • Cláudia Cristina Góis Mestranda em Serviço Social – PUC/SP


Social Worker, Capitalism, Crises, Social Issues, Neoliberalism


Target of this work is to comprehend Social Service, your rises and support in the Brazilian society.  Reflect and learn the social meaning of this job, the way with people work with it to face the economic crises from the capitalism, that’s requires strong cuts for spending public money on it practical. Establishment a dialog into the way to think of the profession and how the workers moves facing the capitalism exchange way of productions. How to intent to follow the actual context, before the hard times advertisement such as: rising of unemployment, the takedowns of social political plans, especially the social security, the looming possibility of full privatization of labor hand, the reduction of age criminal, however how to get ready technically and politically the worker to face whole over the barbarism that are announced.


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