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  • Silvana París
  • Matías Piatti


In an increasingly complex and globalized world characterized by an unprecedented creation of wealth together with the massive impoverishment of millions of beings and the plundering of natural resources, it is essential to review the modes of production and exchange of knowledge as part of a broader strategy that genuinely transform the living conditions of the most vulnerable sectors.
Two levels of analysis are identified: on the one hand, the neoliberal ideology that promotes a certain type of social relations of production and distribution among people. On the other, at an underground, deeper, interstitial level, the matrix from which ideologies are generated is identified, reality is perceived and interpreted: the epistemological matrix.
The matrices used in the teaching of the social sciences have consequences that widely exceed classroom boundaries, for this reason it becomes necessary then to identify, analyze and reconstruct them. Ambitious aspiration, if any, does not pretend to be materialized in this work, but it does remain as the north of a broader process to which we propose to pay. The proposal that we develop this time aims to make visible and put in tension some epistemic constructions.
The decolonial perspectives, those that are generated from a “situated thinking” and the critical pedagogy of Paulo Freire (Freire, 2005), we believe, can illuminate a revisionist path, deconstructor of the current paradigms from which to transform reality.


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