Ética y trabajo social: reflexiones sobre la relevancia y el lugar de la ética en los procesos de intervención profesional


  • Juan Cruz Coll




The advance of the extreme right in the world in recent decades, within the framework of the expansion of the presence of conservatism at the beginning of this century and its impacts on social policies in Latin America, implies a forceful setback of the historical conquests of the popular field, both from its material and symbolic dimensions. From this configuration of the general context marked by a profound economic and political crisis in a situation marked by a forceful decline in labor and social rights, within the framework of an unprecedented advance in the destruction of nature as well as a forceful growth in poverty, what these extreme right-wing parties are trying to do is install and legitimize ultra-conservative values.

It is within this framework of advancement of this neoconservative ideology that this article aims to provide some reflections on the implications of the ethical dimension in the processes of professional intervention that are positioned from a perspective of rupture in the face of the task of ideological transmission that constitutes the profession, in the face of the hegemonic world conception that is configured in each socio-historical situation. Here we emphasize the centrality that constitutes for professional practice to incorporate the inscription in the intervention processes of the popular underdeterminant dimension and the emancipatory territoriality in both scenarios from which the popular subject emerges as an “ethical being” and from those experiences of a prefigurative nature. that are constituted in these spaces, configuring the construction of the morality of the emancipatory movements, which is part of the process of counterhegemonic struggle in the dispute for the construction and progressive expansion of a collective will with an emancipatory horizon to drive for the strengthening, expansion and institutional registration in the dispute over the configuration of the State.


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Dossier: Ética e intervención profesional, sobre las coordenadas del enfrentamiento al neoconservadurismo